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Singapore Metropolis (circle line) on Valenciennes test track
Singapore Metropolis (circle line) on Valenciennes test track


Singapore Metropolis (circle line) on Valenciennes test track
Description: CBTC Singapore, CCL

Continuing Metro Automatisation

Contract: Singapore, Circle Line

Customer: Land Transport Authority (LTA)

Main features: Automatic Train Supervision, CBTC Automatic Train Control, Conventional Products, Communication system and Computer-based Interlocking

Delivery date: from 2006 to 2008

The total route length will be 32 km in tunnel comprising 29 stations with one depot. The complete automation of train operations is made possible by its signaling system, which constantly monitors and safely controls the movements and locations of the trains. ALSTOM provided URBALIS 300 CBTC, a fully proven Driverless Signaling system that comprises: the Automatic Trains Supervision system ICONIS, the Automatic Train Control MASTRIA, some conventional products SMARTWAY and the Interlocking SMARTLOCK.
Moreover ALSTOM supply on-board Passenger Information system and ensures the transmission of on-board CCTV through its bi directional Train to Track transmission system (IAGO).

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Date: 19.12.2005 11:09
Hits: 1785
Downloads: 3
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File size: 6.1 KB
Added by: NickL

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05.06.2004
Comments: 0

automatic train control need not be fail-safe, but automatic train supervision that needs to be.
24.12.2005 19:26 Offline Samuel


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