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Bishan 1986
Bishan 1986
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Welcome Back Mister Governor!!!
Welcome Back Mister Governor!!!


Welcome Back Mister Governor!!!
Description: Taken at 4th of November 2014 (11th of Muharram 1436) with using NIKON Coolpix L23 Compact Digital Camera. Edited with using FastStone Image Viewer. Resized with using Facebook Downloader and FastStone Image Viewer.

(c) Copyright Reserved Wan Muhammad Zaim bin Wan Zainudin 2014/1435.

Initially proposed as Electric Train Set (ETS) Rapid Intercity Express between Kuala Lumpur Sentral - Gemas and vice versa and supposed to run as ETS at April 2014 (this year), the plan abolished and cancelled. If I am not mistaken, SPAD rejected the plan for ETS Run (rectify me if I am wrong).

So, this Arnold Schwarzenegger EMU used for Dynamic Test in Newly-Completed Ipoh - Padang Besar Electrified Double Track. Could be, the Oldest EMU Bird in KTMB will used for Kuala Lumpur - Kamunting ETS Service which planned to kicked off at April 2015 (next year).

I reminded into Sure Heboh TV3 Advertisement. The advertisement appearing Wahid Muhammad, a super-famous comedian from Senario Comedian Group and broadcasted in TV3 Channel at January 2004. The funny advertisement appeared The Oldest Malaysian Electric Train - a 81-Class EMU Set - while Wahid looks so weird when he stepped his feet into Seremban Station with wearing a Minangkabau Apparel.
Location Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus.
Keywords: BBC_31323+Anak_Keretapi+Anak_KTMB+Iskandariah+BBC_31473.
Date: 07.11.2014 08:08
Hits: 6410
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Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 380.8 KB
Added by: ReiSasukeKTMB

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 18.09.2009
Comments: 189
Class 81 as ETS?

Can they hit 160 kph at all?
07.11.2014 20:06 Offline wrongdoings_rapidkl

Join Date: 22.08.2010
Comments: 3947

Boleh rasanya, selagi tidak ada Perintah Awas Sementara atau Tetap dikeluarkan di sesebuah sektor larian. Boleh pecut sampai 160 Kilometer Satu Jam jika tidak ada halangan melintang.
07.11.2014 20:21 Offline ReiSasukeKTMB

Join Date: 18.09.2009
Comments: 189

They should up construction. Now, the stretch between Nilai & Senanwang is congested every weekend. It used to be only in festive times. We need more alternatives.
30.11.2014 21:23 Offline wrongdoings_rapidkl


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