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"Live" telecast of Last Train from Tg Pagar Station on June 2011   

Last Busy Time Ever
Last Busy Time Ever


Last Busy Time Ever
Description: Bukit Timah RS, on the last night of its operation, 30/6/2011.

With the last Mail 64 out of Singapore bound for Gemas waiting in the loop, waiting to cross with 1dn and 15dn.
Location Bukit Timah, Singapore
Date: 01.07.2011 17:16
Hits: 2485
Downloads: 0
Rating: 3.50 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 77.6 KB
Added by: EMU12

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 19.10.2006
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witnessed the handing over of the station under the torchlight from the pegawai to the SLA. very sad moment for me especially the part when they switched off the signal lights.and saying goodbye to pakcik gani for the last time:(
01.07.2011 20:47 Offline Michael

Join Date: 23.03.2004
Comments: 1939
Michael oh Michael...

where will you lepak every night after this?
01.07.2011 20:57 Offline Benny

Join Date: 19.10.2006
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jbs itw ill be
01.07.2011 22:29 Offline Michael

Join Date: 28.01.2008
Comments: 3876

You can't see the train at JB Sentral by the platform. Even if you tagged a station master going into the platform, the BSI guys will always harassing you endlessly since they have eyes everywhere, natural or mechanical optics, hehehe...!
02.07.2011 09:41 Offline Angsa3212

Join Date: 23.03.2006
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Yang tak seronoknya....

ada pesta minum arak pulak dkt stesen tu...aku rasa dari puak yang menyokong penutupan Tg Pagar...sbb kebanyakkannya muka penjajah.
02.07.2011 10:37 Offline VehicleExaminer

Join Date: 01.12.2009
Comments: 105
3 dari kiri....

Janggut ke?
02.07.2011 11:17 Offline along_pahang96

Join Date: 22.12.2007
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akula tu hehehe . . . bju belang
02.07.2011 12:24 Offline janggut

Join Date: 19.03.2004
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group photo

Siapa ada gambar group photo member SG n MY di depan bilik lever Bukit Timah?
02.07.2011 18:14 Offline Matthaziq

Join Date: 25.06.2006
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A funny twist to Last Train

I believe many railway fans did not know a bunch of Singaporeans (including me) got detained at Woodlands CIQ by Spore CIQ personnel after we embarked from Sultan's trainfor passport clearance.

We were questioned on why our passports did not have Malaysian CIQ endorement inside our passport. Before June 30, those who took train at Tg Pagar had to go thru Malaysian CIQ at Platform 2 remember?

We were late released and did not proceed to JB Sentral as originally planned.
02.07.2011 18:18 Offline profkingsfield2004

Join Date: 16.11.2005
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Sorry but I don't understand why you were detained. If you had registered, you would have gotten off at Woodlands without a hitch, just like the rest of us did. Did you get on the train without permission?
12.08.2011 22:49 Offline NickL

Join Date: 15.08.2006
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CIQ checks at Tg Pagar

should still be carried out and the arrival card (stamped) given by Malaysian authorities to non-Malaysians as it was still 30 June when the last train departed, right?

The SGP CIQ officers at Woodlands CIQ could have liaised with the Malaysian counterparts (shouldn't they) of this final arrangement?
15.08.2011 13:43 Offline Westinghouse

Join Date: 15.08.2006
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MY CIQ terminal early shutdown

The other possibility is that the Malaysian CIQ counters (at Tg Pagar) had shutdown earlier than usual?

Arrival cards were possibly not issued (the arrangement prior to 1st July, is to issue them and date stamped to non-Malaysian) as this group embarked the train at Tg Pagar.

If my points were correct, the SGP CIQ officers did what was required for those Singaporeans at the Woodlands CIQ terminal, after the stroke of midnight. Technically, they are right.

I felt sorry for those (detained?).
17.08.2011 12:59 Offline Westinghouse


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