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Refurbished EMU30
Refurbished EMU30
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C651 & C751B SMRT @ Paya Lebar - Aljuneid
C651 & C751B SMRT @ Paya Lebar - Aljuneid


C651 & C751B SMRT @ Paya Lebar - Aljuneid
Description: My favourite urban rail transit system
Location Aljuneid, Singapore
Date: 14.12.2010 09:38
Hits: 3012
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Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 133.4 KB
Added by: EMU12

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 16.11.2005
Comments: 0

Station should be spelt as Aljunied.
18.12.2010 23:58 Offline NickL

Join Date: 15.08.2006
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Focal Height

The focal height is quite high...
This must be taken from one of those shop houses??
19.12.2010 10:10 Offline Westinghouse

Join Date: 20.03.2004
Comments: 0

Westinghouse: This was taken from the Aljunied station, as we had taken the SMRT Lunch Express from Bugis which terminated there. The train is the one on the left.

NickL: Thanks :-)

Jason: I sure hope so. We're already like 30 years behind Singapore - for starters let's hope the Gov't is wise enough to buy large number of trains . Singapore did it right by buying a massive number of long trains when it started in 1987, from a reputable manufacturer.
19.12.2010 10:23 Offline EMU12

Join Date: 15.08.2006
Comments: 0
History of the Aljunied family

The Aljunied family and the Alsagoff family were Arab merchants who came to Singapore in 1800's...

They owned the land across the areas in Aljunied, Kallang and Paya Lebar mrt.

We had a large house on the Alsagoff's land (current Paya Lebar mrt station) from 1930's to 1978, the size of 4 basket-ball courts...and we paid $5 per month as rent.
22.12.2010 22:02 Offline Westinghouse

Join Date: 15.08.2006
Comments: 0
1996 accident

On the right of this photo, a piling hammer hit the MRT viaduct, in April 1996.

A 5-tonne piling hammer crashed onto a Mass Rapid Transit (west-bound) viaduct 150 m from Paya Lebar MRT station, damaging the railing and parapet. Part of the base of the driver's cabin of the train heading for Aljunied station was damaged ...
22.12.2010 22:11 Offline Westinghouse


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