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EMU28 - Padang Jawa
EMU28 - Padang Jawa
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Modified very old gate.
Modified very old gate.


Modified very old gate.
Description: The reason for successfully running an efficient system, is to fully utilise the assets and optimise its management.

These gates have been around for at least 21 years and they have contributed well. Picture showing 'removed' ticket bezel before it was modified to accept current Contactless Smart Card readers (on top of gate).
Date: 18.04.2009 09:02
Hits: 1863
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 126.5 KB
Added by: Westinghouse

Make: LG Electronics
Model: KU990
Exposure time: 1/4 sec(s)
Aperture value: F/2.8
ISO speed: 141
Date created: 4 Apr 2009 00:23:10
Focal length: 5.1mm

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