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SMRT Bishan Depot Open House   

SMRT Bishan Depot Open House
SMRT Bishan Depot Open House


SMRT Bishan Depot Open House
Description: Another SMRT diesel locomotive. Not sure what model is this
Date: 07.03.2007 23:40
Hits: 1421
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File size: 51.0 KB
Added by: STN

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 15.08.2006
Comments: 0
Very light work-horse

Manufactured by Carl Kelbel Gmeinder Gmbh of West Germany.
Engine Type: Water-cooled diesel hydraulic engine (Caterpillar 3406 - 6 cylinder in-line 4 stroke engine.
Engine output : 280 Kw

Capable of hauling 100 tonnes trailing load at not less than 15 kph and up to 45 kph on 3% rising gradient.

Able to perform continous low speed of 1 kph hauling 100 tonnes trailing load (for cable-laying, inspection activities for minimum period of 8 hours continually stopping and starting)

Between coupler faces - 7785 mm
Between wheel-base - 3300 mm
Gauge - 1435 mm
Gross Weight - 27 tonnes

Equipped with ATP systems.
Fuel consumption - 81.6 litre/hr at full load/full speed.
3.5 litre/hr at no load/low idle speed (<650 rpm)
11.03.2007 22:40 Offline Westinghouse


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