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3CS EMU 20 @ KLO
3CS EMU 20 @ KLO
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Service brake??
Service brake??


Service brake??
Description: "For 12-car push-out or haul-out operation, confirm rescue train has coupled with defective train before releasing service brakes."

The whole car was almost empty, that's why I got to take this shot. If not, I could get a tight slap in my face by a gurl.
Date: 01.01.2006 23:21
Hits: 1308
Downloads: 1
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 99.2 KB
Added by: NickL

Make: Canon
Model: Canon PowerShot A410
Exposure time: 1/60 sec(s)
Aperture value: F/2.8
Date created: 01.01.2006 21:51:24
Focal length: 5.4mm

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 15.08.2006
Comments: 0
Reminder Note...

This is to remind staff before a train rescue were to take place. . . . 12-car operation (when one 6-car train immobalised) will only take place after complete coupling had been done. Then only the service brakes be released on the defective train. In a 12-car operation, only the rescue train controls the traction, but not brake applications on defective 6-car set. There will always be a brake application (parking brakes) on the defective train, in case the "train breaks away" or pre-mature uncoupling.
21.01.2007 08:12 Offline Westinghouse


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