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End of the Line at Buona Vista
End of the Line at Buona Vista
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Class 82 EMU   

Class 82 interior
Class 82 interior


Class 82 interior
Date: 06.12.2005 12:44
Hits: 2062
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 88.5 KB
Added by: NickL

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 22.08.2010
Comments: 3947

Everything eliminated. :'-(

According to an EMU Depot Technician, the actual wiring system condition in this class of commuter train had not similar at all with these Class 82 EMU Train Sets' Manual. Not similar at all. Cost for the recovery also is too high. If I am not mistaken as high as buying the new EMU or higher than buying a new EMU.

So, the best step and way is scrap. BOS or Brought Out from Service is the best way. There will no losses occurred because of these EMU Sets' Recovery Jobs.
11.01.2015 10:56 Offline ReiSasukeKTMB


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