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Yishun MRT
Yishun MRT
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Bukit Berapit Tunnel   

Testing the Bukit Berapit Tunnel
Testing the Bukit Berapit Tunnel


Testing the Bukit Berapit Tunnel
Location N/A
Keywords: Zacky-NewspaperCutting
Date: 03.10.2004 21:02
Hits: 8549
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File size: 340.7 KB
Added by: zacky

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 23.03.2004
Comments: 1939
Difference of height.

High-cube container height is only 30cm higher than the normal type.The other option than to lower the trackbed of the tunnel is to create well wagon, sort of like the US Husky-Stack.Again, this out of the ordinary sizes containers was the brainchild of American's.I don't know why they just cannot follow the set standard or whether this really help a lot other than creating nuisance for non-American logistics transporter.Sizes they gave birth other than the standard ISO are 45, 48 and 53 foot container.Currently, KTMB charges extra for these oversized containers.
04.10.2004 00:58 Offline Benny

Join Date: 23.03.2004
Comments: 1939
The pic is showing...

the 45 foot mark and the wagon seems to be KTM owned.I read somewhere at their freight newsletter that arrangement can be made to carry oversized containers with extra surcharge.
09.04.2008 18:55 Offline Benny

Join Date: 22.08.2010
Comments: 3947

BCF 24001 - BCF 24100 buatan MMC Metal Industries direka khusus untuk Trafik Kontena-Kontena 45 Kaki sebegini. BCF-BCF tersebut dihasilkan pada tahun 1996/1997. Pada tahun 1996, KTMB telah menempah sejumlah BCF Baru daripada MMC sebanyak 500 Buah (1000 Unit) yang meliputi 400 Buah BCF Baru 40 Kaki (800 Unit ~ BCF 23001 - BCF 23400) dan 100 Buah BCF Baru 45 Kaki (200 Unit).

There has a fleet of 100 BCF's (200 Units) numbered BCF 24001 - BCF 24100 which specially designed for 45-foot Maritime Containers. These BCF's were produced by MMC Metal Industries Sendirian Berhad at 1996/1997. In 1996, KTMB had purchased a fleet of 500 New BCF's from MMC which comprises 400 New BCF's numbered BCF 23001 - BCF 23400 for 40-footer Maritime Container {800 Units} as well as 100 BCF's for 45-footer Maritime Containers...
16.04.2013 20:51 Offline ReiSasukeKTMB

Join Date: 22.08.2010
Comments: 3947

Ini Stesen Ipoh ni! Memandangkan struktur bangunan Platform 02 selain BBC Malayan Cement Blue Circle Group boleh kita lihat dalam gambar ini.

Adapun suatu zaman dahulu, sebelum BCF-BCF Baru Kelas 23 dan Kelas 24 buatan MMC Metal Industries diperkenalkan, Kontena-Kontena Terlebih Tinggi (High Cubers) 9 kaki dan 9 kaki 6 inci diangkut menggunakan BCF-BCF Lama Khas buatan India (tak salah saya CIMMCO, India). Yang pastinya, BCF-BCF tersebut dikilangkan pada tahun 1976 selain dinomborkan sebagai BCF 140xx. BCF-BCF ini digunakan khusus untuk Trafik Kontena Perkapalan ke ICT Ipoh dengan menggunakan Tren Blok Kontena Perkapalan ICT Ipoh Nombor 455 Turun dan 456 Naik. Andai kata Kontena-Kontena Perkapalan 9 kaki dan 9 kaki 6 inci tidak mencukupi, Kontena-Kontena Perkapalan biasa lain (8 kaki dan 8 kaki 6 inci) boleh diisi ke dalam jajaran BCF-BCF Lama tersebut.

Ini berdasarkan apa yang ana rujuk di Kutub Khanah MyRA. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
13.11.2013 22:45 Offline ReiSasukeKTMB


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