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EMU25 'Komuter Sektor Utara'
EMU25 'Komuter Sektor Utara'


EMU25 'Komuter Sektor Utara'
Description: Thursday
28 January 2016
1532 Hours
Train No. 2957

A newly added service, complimenting the current 'KTM Komuter Northern Sector Service' plying Kamunting - Butterworth - Gurun. This new Komuter service plying between Butterworth and Padang Besar helps to enhance and boost connectivity between the 3 states namely Perlis, Kedah and Penang.

It is also noted that this EMU has it's coaches labelled from A to C and it's seats numbered and is currently dedicated to serving the Butterworth to Padang Besar Komuter service.
Location Padang Besar Railway Station, Perlis
Date: 03.02.2016 22:36
Hits: 12599
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 184.6 KB
Added by: trainanalyst

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 500D
Exposure time: 1/100 sec(s)
Aperture value: F/5.6
ISO speed: 100
Date created: 28.01.2016 15:33:42
Focal length: 18mm

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 18.09.2009
Comments: 189
Coacch label

Similarly, the 6-car Komuters that serve the Klang Valley are also being labelled as coaches A to F.
04.02.2016 20:20 Offline wrongdoings_rapidkl

Join Date: 22.08.2010
Comments: 3947

Kini, badannya telahpun disaluti dengan Iklan "Tourism Perak" bersempena dengan Tahun Melawat Perak 2017. Ia digunakan sebagai Tren Komuter Khas yang membawa dif-dif kenamaan dan orang ramai dalam satu larian percuma (free ride) dari Padang Rengas ke Taiping sewaktu Majlis Pelancaran Lanjutan KTM Komuter (Utara) ke Taiping dan Padang Rengas pada 3hb September 2016 yang lalu.
18.11.2016 11:55 Offline ReiSasukeKTMB


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